mechmat package


mechmat.linked module

class mechmat.linked.Linked(unit='dimensionless', rng=[-inf, inf], linked_properties={})[source]

Bases: object

static argument_weight(visited, arg)[source]
static get_sorted_functions(visited, args)[source]
static in_range(value, rng)[source]
class mechmat.linked.MetaLinked(name, bases, attr_dict)[source]

Bases: type

mechmat.material module

class mechmat.material.Material(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

” All materials inherit from this class. This class describes the basic properties, which all mater have, such as a density, specific weight, and temperature.

CAS = None

str: Chemical Abstracts Service number

category = None

Category The Material category

density = None

Linked Density \(\rho\) in \([M^{1} L^{-3}]\)


” Returns a YAML dump of the material


” Restores a YAML dump on the material

name = None

str: The common name of the material


str: Short name for the material. When it is not user specified, the name is used. When this consists of multiple words, the short name is build from all first letters. When the name consist of a single word, the first two letters are used

specific_heat_at_const_pressure = None

Linked Specific heat at constant pressure \(c_p\) in \([L^{2} T^{-1} t^{-2}]\)

specific_volume = None

Linked Specific volume \(v\) in \([L^{3} M^{-1}]\)

specific_weight = None

Linked Specific weight \(\gamma\) in \([M^{1} L^{-2} t^{-2}]\)

temperature = None

Linked Temperature \(T\) in \([T]\)

thermal_conductivity = None

Linked Thermal conductivity \(k\) in \([L^{1} M^{1} T^{-1} t^{-3}]\)

thermal_diffusivity = None

Linked Thermal diffusivity \(\alpha\) in \([L^{2} t^{-1}]\)

mechmat.subject module

class mechmat.subject.Subject(prop, *observers)[source]

Bases: object

notify(instance, key)[source]
send(instance, key)[source]

Module contents

Top-level package for mechmat.