Source code for mechmat.linked

from math import inf, isnan
from copy import copy
import logging

from numpy import any

from pint import DimensionalityError

from . import ureg
from .errors import OutOfRangeError

[docs]class Linked: def __init__(self, unit='dimensionless', rng=[-inf, inf], linked_properties={}): self.key = '' self.subject_key = '' = '' self.unit = ureg.parse_units(unit) self.rng = rng * self.unit self._linked_properties = linked_properties self._args = dict( zip(list(linked_properties.keys()), [set(args.values()) for args in linked_properties.values()])) self._depended_on = list(set([y for x in self._args.values() for y in x])) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if hasattr(instance, self.key): value = getattr(instance, self.key) return value else: return None def __set__(self, instance, value): upd = set() if isinstance(value, set): upd = value value = getattr(instance, sorted_fun = Linked.get_sorted_functions(upd, self._args) for func in sorted_fun: kwargs = copy(self._linked_properties[func]) for arg in kwargs.keys(): kwargs[arg] = getattr(instance, kwargs[arg]) if any([x is None for x in kwargs.values()]): continue value = func(**kwargs) logging.debug('Property {} calculated'.format( break if type(getattr(instance, != type(value) or ( getattr(instance, != value and value is not None): try: if isinstance(value, ureg.Quantity): value = except DimensionalityError as e: raise DimensionalityError(e.units1, e.units2, e.dim1, e.dim2, 'Wrong dimensions when setting {} with value {}'.format(, value)) if not Linked.in_range(value, self.rng): raise OutOfRangeError(value, self.rng, setattr(instance, self.key, value) if not in upd: upd.add( getattr(instance, self.subject_key).send(instance, upd)
[docs] @staticmethod def in_range(value, rng): if isinstance(value, ureg.Quantity): return any(((rng[0].m <= value.m) & (rng[1].m >= value.m))) or any(isnan(value.m)) else: return any(((rng[0].m <= value) & (rng[1].m >= value))) or any(isnan(value))
[docs] @staticmethod def argument_weight(visited, arg): return len(visited.intersection(arg)) / len(arg)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sorted_functions(visited, args): return [func[0] for func in sorted(args.items(), key=lambda value: Linked.argument_weight(visited, value[1]))]
[docs]class MetaLinked(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict): super().__init__(name, bases, attr_dict) if not hasattr(cls, '_linked'): setattr(cls, '_linked', dict()) if not hasattr(cls, '_state'): setattr(cls, '_state', list()) for key, attr in attr_dict.items(): if isinstance(attr, Linked): = key type_name = type(attr).__name__ attr.key = '_{}__{}'.format(type_name, key) attr.subject_key = '_Subject__{}'.format(key) if key[0] != '_' and key not in getattr(cls, '_state'): getattr(cls, '_state').append(key) getattr(cls, '_linked')[key] = attr