Source code for mechmat.material

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from yaml import dump, load
from pytablewriter import MarkdownTableWriter, HtmlTableWriter, LatexTableWriter

from .linked import MetaLinked, Linked
from .subject import Subject

"""Main module."""

__all__ = ['Material']

class Category(Enum):
    """ Categories of different materials """

    METAL = 1
    PLASTIC = 2
    FLUID = 3
    GAS = 4
    BINGHAM = 5
    GRANULAR = 7
    POWDER = 8

[docs]class Material(metaclass=MetaLinked): r"""" All materials inherit from this class. This class describes the basic properties, which all mater have, such as a *density*, *specific weight*, and *temperature*. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key in self._linked.keys(): if not hasattr(self, '_Subject__{}'.format(key)): setattr(self, '_Subject__{}'.format(key), Subject(key)) for key in self._linked.keys(): if hasattr(self._linked[key], '_depended_on'): for dep in self._linked[key]._depended_on: getattr(self, '_Subject__{}'.format(dep)).register(getattr(self, '_Subject__{}'.format(key))) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in self._state or key in self._logistic_properties: setattr(self, key, value) _state = list() _logistic_properties = ['name', 'short_name', 'CAS', 'category'] _linked = dict() _version = 1 """int: version of the material class. Bump this value up for big changes in the class which aren't compatible with earlier release. """ category = None r""":class:`~Category` The Material category""" name = None r"""str: The common name of the material""" CAS = None r"""str: Chemical Abstracts Service number""" @property def short_name(self): r""" str: Short name for the material. When it is not user specified, the :attr:`~name` is used. When this consists of multiple words, the short name is build from all first letters. When the name consist of a single word, the first two letters are used """ if hasattr(self, '_short_name'): return self._short_name else: if is None: return None words =' ') if len(words) > 1: return ''.join([w[0] for w in words]) return[:2] @short_name.setter def short_name(self, value): self._short_name = value def __repr__(self): state = {} for prop in self._logistic_properties: if getattr(self, prop) is not None: state[prop] = getattr(self, prop) for prop in self._state: if getattr(self, prop) is not None: state[prop] = getattr(self, prop) return '{} with state {}>'.format(str(type(self))[:-2], state) def _tbl_writer(self, writer): writer.headers = ['Material Attribute', 'Value'] tbl = [] if isinstance(writer, MarkdownTableWriter) or isinstance(writer, LatexTableWriter): value_str = '$ {:L} $' else: value_str = '{}' for prop in self._logistic_properties: if getattr(self, prop) is not None: tbl.append([prop.replace('_', ' '), str(getattr(self, prop))]) for prop in self._state: if getattr(self, prop) is not None: tbl.append([prop.replace('_', ' '), value_str.format(getattr(self, prop))]) writer.value_matrix = tbl writer.margin = 1 return writer def _repr_markdown_(self): writer = self._tbl_writer(MarkdownTableWriter()) return writer.write_table() def _repr_html_(self): writer = self._tbl_writer(HtmlTableWriter()) return writer.write_table() def _repr_latex_(self): writer = self._tbl_writer(LatexTableWriter()) return writer.write_table() def __call__(self, **kwargs): state = deepcopy(self) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in state._state or key in state._logistic_properties: setattr(state, key, value) return state
[docs] def dump(self): r"""" Returns a YAML dump of the material """ return dump(self)
[docs] def load(self, data): r"""" Restores a YAML dump on the material """ # Todo: use _version self = load(data)
density = Linked('kg/m**3') r""":class:`.Linked` Density :math:`\rho` in :math:`[M^{1} L^{-3}]`""" specific_weight = Linked('N/m**3') r""":class:`.Linked` Specific weight :math:`\gamma` in :math:`[M^{1} L^{-2} t^{-2}]`""" specific_volume = Linked('m**3/kg') r""":class:`.Linked` Specific volume :math:`v` in :math:`[L^{3} M^{-1}]`""" temperature = Linked('degC') r""":class:`.Linked` Temperature :math:`T` in :math:`[T]`""" specific_heat_at_const_pressure = Linked('J/(kg*K)') r""":class:`.Linked` Specific heat at constant pressure :math:`c_p` in :math:`[L^{2} T^{-1} t^{-2}]`""" thermal_conductivity = Linked('W/(m*K)') r""":class:`.Linked` Thermal conductivity :math:`k` in :math:`[L^{1} M^{1} T^{-1} t^{-3}]`""" thermal_diffusivity = Linked('m**2/s') r"""":class:`.Linked` Thermal diffusivity :math:`\alpha` in :math:`[L^{2} t^{-1}]`"""